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Facts About Quartzite and Kitchen Remodeling in New Chapel Hill

Is it time for a kitchen remodeling project in New Chapel Hill, Texas? Obviously, there are numerous design elements that warrant your attention. One of the most important, however, is your countertop material. It’s absolutely imperative that you choose a material for your home renovation that suits both your personal design preferences and lifestyle. To help make the decision easier, consider these facts about quartzite before speaking with a contractor in New Chapel Hill.

Natural Stone Product

Would you prefer to use natural stone for your kitchen remodeling project in New Chapel Hill? If so, quartzite is a great option. It’s a sister stone to quartz and ideal for both kitchen and bathroom remodeling.

Sealing is Required

One major drawback to choosing quartzite for kitchen remodeling in New Chapel Hill is the fact that it must be sealed periodically. This material will probably need a new coat of sealant every year.

Variety of Color Options

Who doesn’t love options!? Quartzite is available in a wide variety of colors and tones. So you’re sure to find the perfect fit for your New Chapel Hill kitchen remodeling project.

Looking for a Kitchen Remodeling Contractor in New Chapel Hill?

Are you looking for a kitchen remodeling contractor in New Chapel Hill, Texas? Now that you know more about quartzite, you can make a more informed decision about your countertop installation. All that’s left to do is find a professional to handle your project. Fortunately, the highly-trained and experienced experts at DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen in Tyler have the knowledge, skills, and tools required to complete your renovation quickly and efficiently. For more information about our company and the wide array of general contracting services we offer, visit our website. Call (903) 525–6161 to schedule a consultation. We look forward to serving as your number one solution for kitchen remodeling in New Chapel Hill.

Kitchen Remodeling in New Chapel Hill

We are happy to serve the Tyler area. Our service area also includes Tyler, Swan, New Chapel Hill, Whitehouse, and Noonday. We also serve Douglas, Arp, Troup, Bullard, and Flint.

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