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DreamMaker Remodeling Tips

Must-Haves and Open Concept Living

Four bedrooms, attached garage, home office…. the list goes on. When creating the perfect home, we begin the list of “must haves.” A staple with many homeowners is the ‘open concept’ kitchen. Open layouts seamlessly connect the kitchen with living and dining areas. They create the illusion of a bigger space, and are practical for families and frequent entertainers alike. The open concept serves as a central activity location, as[...]

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Mission Possible: Paperless Kitchens

Do you find yourself constantly adding “paper towels” to your grocery list? Didn’t you just buy a 12-pack at your local warehouse retail store? Growing up, it would drive my mother insane when we kids would use paper towels. When drying our hands, we’d tear off two or three paper towels from the roll. A spill on the floor? You don’t want to know! She thought buying the smaller cut[...]

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Downton Abbey Architecture & Style

The popular BBC television show, Downton Abbey, recently began its sixth season. It first aired in 2010 and after the phenomenon swept across the Atlantic Ocean, Americans soon began to decorate their homes in “Downton fashion.” In this period drama, the audience becomes a voyeur into the life of the Crawley family during the early 1900s. The setting is a large Jacobethan country home that sits on a 5,000-acre estate.[...]

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NKBA Kitchen Trends

The National Kitchen & Bath Association announced at its annual conference last week that transitional kitchens are currently the top kitchen design. Trends that the NKBA expects to see in kitchens in 2016 include: Transitional style Gray, white and off-white cabinets Pull-outs, tilt-outs and tilt-ins for storage space Wood flooring Quartz and granite countertops Outdoor kitchens Built-in coffee stations and wet bars Pocket doors Special pet spaces Docking and charging[...]

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Pendants and Pedestals

Rolling into 2016 and you want to stay on top of the latest trends? Here you will find simple ideas and ways to keep your house looking sharp no matter what your budget is. Make sure to look at our Pinterest Look books to see these ideas in full swing to help you think of fun ways to incorporate these trends! 1. The “Glamily” Room: What is a Glamily room you[...]

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Making the Most of Your Single-Walled Kitchen

Single-walled kitchens come into play in small homes or apartments and open-plan kitchens. Here are a few tips in making the most of your single-walled kitchen. Embrace a Sociable Layout: The Single-Wall Kitchen is the epitome of a social layout. There are no added walls, which opens up the space for entertaining. Although a single-wall kitchen allows one person to cook at a time, it still allows others to access[...]

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A Few Reasons to Buy or Keep A Mid-Century Home

In this day and age, building materials, labor and just about everything seems to be raising in cost. Building a new home is nice, but the price seems to be doubling daily to do so. Why not just look at the beauty and character already established and embrace the past? Your style taste can always update the interior, so here are a few reasons to buy or keep a Mid-century[...]

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