“Does it spark joy?” has become a very popular catchphrase. At the heart of the tidying-up principle called the KonMari method, created by famed author Marie Kondo, lies a simple belief: prioritize items that bring joy into your life over items that are just taking up precious space.
The KonMari method promotes tidying up by category rather than location, starting with clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous items (known as “komono”) and then sentimental items. So while rooms in your home are not considered a KonMari category, these are the places where you can usually find “komono.” In this post, DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Orland Park, your local kitchen remodeling company, discusses how you can utilize the KonMari method to achieve a tidier kitchen.
A Kitchen That Sparks Joy
One of the key principles behind the increasingly popular decluttering method is joy. This means that anything that does not spark joy has to go. In your kitchen, there might be a few things that no longer appeal to your tastes and preferences. When this happens, you can usually just do a bit of decluttering. However, certain aspects of your kitchen, like an impractical floor plan or an unsightly kitchen island, can only be transformed by a kitchen remodeling project.
Kitchen Improvement, Simplified
Kitchen upgrades need not break the bank to leave a lasting impact. Needless to say, you don’t have to dispose of most things in your kitchen provided that you have a use for them. In fact, simply grouping commonly-used items together close to the area where they are used can make a world of difference in terms of visual appeal and practicality.
A Tidier Kitchen Is Within Your Reach!
You don’t have to be a decluttering expert to achieve a tidier kitchen. Our team of design and remodeling professionals here at DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Orland Park can help you achieve a kitchen you love. Want a Marie Kondo-approved kitchen? Give us a call today at (708) 320-3417.