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DreamMaker Remodeling Tips

Our Top 5 Favorite Storage Gizmos

The kitchen and the bathroom are two of the most frequented rooms  in your home, which in turn makes them some of the harder ones to keep tidy. Along with being the most used rooms, they are also home to various appliances and accessories that need a place to reside. The organization and storage of these key rooms can deeply impact the functionality and cleanliness of your home. On the[...]

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Featured Project: A Place to Gather

These empty-nesters were more than ready to renovate the well-used 24-yr old kitchen in their 1992 home. The minor cosmetic face-lifts (new paint and carpet) made in 2006 had lost their luster long ago. Along with modernizing the kitchen, they knew it was time to create an open space their large family of 6 married children & 20 grandchildren could be comfortable in. Unlike the growing family using it, the[...]

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