You should always vet a remodeling contractor before hiring them to make sure they’re qualified for the job. How do you check the quality of a remodeler’s work? Ask to see projects a remodeler has recently completed. Pictures are a good start, but if you want an accurate assessment, you should see their work up-close.
Ask Questions
While examining your prospective remodeler’s work, it’s important that you ask questions about the project scope and the customer’s requests. Asking questions such as these can give you an idea of their level of expertise and the kind of customer service they provide.
Take a Look
What are the things you should closely examine?
Tile Installation
The mark of quality tile installation is smooth and evenly placed tiles and thin grout lines. There are exceptions, of course—some homeowners may prefer uniquely shaped tiles. In cases such as these, you should keep an eye out for tiles that are jutting out or caving in.
A proper paint job should have an even finish (for instance, matte walls should have a matte finish everywhere) and clean cut-in lines at the ceiling (the wall color and ceiling should be separated with no smudges blurring the boundaries between the two). A bad paint job, on the other hand, may have rough patches, drip marks and inconsistencies.
Doors & Cabinets
The first things guests see when they walk into your home and your kitchen are the front door and the kitchen cabinets, respectively. That’s why doors and kitchen cabinets should balance aesthetic appeal with functionality. Aside from checking their design, do a quick test to determine whether they were installed properly. Try opening and closing doors and cabinets to see if they operate smoothly.
Keep an eye out for unsightly seams or gaps that have been filled with caulk. They’re a sign the original templating of the countertops was rushed.
Flickering lights can be a sign the bulb needs to be replaced, but it could also be a sign of faulty electrical wiring. Note if the lightbulbs are aligned neatly and evenly spaced. If the lights have dimmers, test them to see if they’re functioning properly. If they aren’t, the most likely culprit is incorrectly paired LED lights and dimmers.
Let’s Start a Conversation!
DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Elizabethtown offers expert bath, kitchen and home renovations. To get started with a no-obligation consultation, call us at (717) 298-3830 or fill out this form. We serve homeowners in Bainbridge, Lebanon, Harrisburg, York, Lititz, Camp Hill and the surrounding communities.