More and more people are shifting to a permanent work-from-home setup, whether by choice or as a way to adapt to our “new normal.” While it’s true that you can plug in your laptop at the dining table or set up shop in your bedroom, nothing beats a designated workspace. After all, you still need a healthy boundary between your work and home life.
As a trusted local remodeling contractor, we at DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Elizabethtown have a few suggestions to help you set up the perfect home office.
Location, Location, Location
One of the biggest challenges of working from home is minimizing distractions, so you’ll want to choose a space that evokes calm and comfort while helping you stay productive. If you can, consider repurposing a formal dining room or spare bedroom, or enclosing a portion of your patio or garage. Depending on the nature of your work and the schedules of other family members, you may want to be situated far away from gathering places.
Identify Your Office’s Function
The design of your home office will depend on how you’ll be using the space most of the time. Will clients or coworkers be stopping by? If yes, you’ll want to provide a private space with comfortable seating. Figure out how much surface and storage space you’ll need, from desks and worktops to closets and cubbies. It also pays to think ahead—will you be changing how you work in the near future?
Never Sacrifice Form for Function
Keep this in mind when tackling any type of interior remodeling project. Think about your workflow first and figure out what things you need to have within reach before making any major purchases.
This isn’t to say functional pieces can’t be beautiful! An easy way to make your home office feel like it’s always been part of your home is to choose furniture and built-in pieces that mesh seamlessly with the rest of your home. Warm woods work wonderfully in homes with traditional décor. If your taste runs more contemporary, consider neutral woods, along with metal and glass.
Make It an Exciting Place to Work
The perfect workspace promotes productivity. One great way to do this is to have plenty of natural light. You’ll also want generous artificial lighting to help reduce eye strain if you have to work longer hours. Paint colors can also have a huge effect on productivity, so do a bit of reading on color psychology. Blues are known to help people stay focused; yellows stimulate creativity; greens are good for balance; browns help people feel grounded and powerful.
Let’s Start a Conversation!
For all your home renovations, trust DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Elizabethtown. Our team can skillfully handle all aspects of your project, from design through installation. Call us at (717) 298-3830 or fill out our contact form to schedule a virtual consultation. We serve the residents of Lancaster, Harrisburg and the surrounding communities.