The home plays a huge role in health and wellness. After all, on the average, Americans spend about 70 percent of their time at home!
How Clean Is Your Air?
Central to having a healthy home is maintaining good air quality and getting rid of substances that may produce volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs are found in many building products, furniture, flooring, glue and the like. Become more aware of what you should look out for and what you should get rid of to help improve Indoor air quality (IAQ).
Wellness Is Affordable
Homes today are being built with whole-house mechanical ventilation and high-efficiency air filters. This means that efforts to produce cleaner air are being stepped up significantly. In conjunction with this, the trend toward the use of low-VOC paints and finishes is also growing.
In fact, just how important a trend it has become is obvious in the fact that more people are building healthy homes in all price ranges. Good air quality and no VOCs has become so mainstream that homeowners now no longer have to spend extra money to have the elements found in a healthy home in their own homes. And where VOC-free products once used to command a premium, that’s no longer the case.
Currently, only about one in 10 consumers know what the term “VOC” means and, even then, they likely don’t know what kind of products VOCs may be in. Homeowners might be investing in bathroom remodeling products that are low-VOC, but unknowingly using bathroom rugs that were fabricated using formaldehyde, which releases VOCs.
Paint, Floors, Walls ‘Scrub’ the Air
Today, manufacturers are developing building products that promote good air quality — including flooring, paints and even drywall. Incorporating new technologies to reduce VOC levels in the air and to eliminate odors from pets, cooking and smoke indoors is the way to go these days. Wellness is finally gaining traction among homeowners, as the healthy home concept is evolving to also include holistic outcomes such as well-being.
Partner With DreamMaker for a Healthy Home
Want to learn more about how to keep a healthier home? Let DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Elizabethtown help you achieve the comfort and satisfaction you need. We use only the best products and offer the high-quality workmanship you deserve. Call us today at (717) 298-3830 to turn your healthy home into a reality!