Since 1990, DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Aiken has provided homeowners in the area with high-quality remodeling solutions. We have always aimed for an outstanding experience for our clients, whether they need interior, bath or kitchen remodeling. We stand behind our honest and trustworthy team, who will work hard to ensure your home remodeling dreams come true.
DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen takes a distinctive, full-service and customer-centric approach to every project. With us, you can feel confident that your remodeling project will be completed in a timely and efficient manner. Here’s a brief look at our established work process:
Meet with a DreamMaker designer. Visit our design center for a meeting with one of our talented designers. They’ll listen carefully to your needs and discuss your remodeling goals in full detail. We’ll then incorporate your vision into your new space. Bringing sketches and photos of the existing space is a good idea. This way, we can get a better idea of the space we’ll be working with.
Home survey. Following the design meeting, our designer will visit your home and complete a survey. This involves taking precise measurements and photos, and looking for possible structural, plumbing and electric issues. If these problems do exist, we’ll resolve them before starting the work. The more information we have, the more detailed and precise your initial estimate.
Design review & written proposal. During this phase, we’ll review the designs we’ve created for you and, together, land on the final design. This will include a written proposal to cover every aspect of your dream remodel.
Sign agreement. As a premier home remodeling company, DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Aiken is serious about delivering on our promises. A detailed contract covering every aspect of the work involved encourages excellent communication. This also clearly maps our expectations of the project.
Pre-start conference meeting. Once everything is signed and processed, our project manager will arrange a pre-start conference meeting to review the scope of schedule, construction and installation process.
Your project manager is your contact. Should you have any concerns or questions about the work, all you need to do is reach out to our project manager. He or she will be your dedicated point of contact throughout the entire project.
A Smooth Remodeling Process From Start to Finish
DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Aiken will ensure your home gets the quality installation and dream remodel you expect. Call us today at (803) 335-1758 or fill out our convenient online form to get started on your project.